
4 Agenda

IVth International Turkish – African Congress was Held

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IVth International Turkish – African Congress was held by the African Institute of TASAM between 25-27th of November 2008 in Istanbul. This year’s congress was performed under the main theme of “African Regional Organizations / Development and Cooperation“, and the distinguished representatives of regional economic communities that have been playing a significant role in the process of Africa’s development, as well as expertise programs, Turkish – African nongovernmental organizations and Turkish official foundations participated in the congress as speakers.



The Chairman of TASAM Süleyman Şensoy is making the opening statement.

While the Chairman of TASAM Süleyman Şensoy, TİKA Vice President Dr. Mustafa Şahin, Department Director of the African Union Commission Prof. Couaovi A. L. Johnson and State Minister from the Foreign Ministry of the Kingdom of Morocco Latifa Akharbach made opening statements at the beginning of the congress; regional economic communities presented their speeches in the first session of the first day and in the second session, together with regional economic communities, representatives of expertise programs made their speeches. In the third and fourth sessions taking place at the second day of the congress, nongovernmental organizations, Turkish official foundations, regional economic communities and cooperation opportunities between expertise programs were respectively discussed. The congress ended with the general assessments of Turkish and African diplomatic mission representatives.

In order for Africa to reach the Millennium Development Goals, the facts that it has to catch sustainable development pace, provide macro economic stability, build up peace and security in the continent and establish it’s positive efforts in democracy, human rights and good governance on a strong base were recorded in the congress. In this respect, it was claimed that regional economic organizations are a means to strengthen the relations between member countries, that they comprise a big degree of the development through free trade and economic integration, and they contribute to the global economy.

It was stated that these African organizations have taken an important step in eliminating the continent’s previous wrong image as the continent for wars, crisis and illnesses, and they have gained remarkable developments on this matter. It was emphasized that in order to improve the life conditions of Africa, improving of economic conditions and growth will be a key role and for this reason an increase in mutual trade capacity is one of the main targets.

It was declared that Turkey is aware of the fact that regional organizations in Africa, especially the African Union, know their responsibilities for the development of the continent, the prevention of conflicts and to find solutions for them, and that Turkey finds these developments very impressive.

It was stated that in order for Turkish – African relations to get better and for new cooperation opportunities to be created, there is a need for the improvement of senior relations between official units, private sector representatives, academic and nongovernmental organizations, and so these kind of congresses, which aims at developing mutual relations, have a big importance.

In the closing session of the congress Turkish African diplomatic mission representatives made their overall assessments. They stated that the Turkish African Congress, organized in different concepts every year, gives a way for Turkish – African representatives of official foundations to meet with representatives of nongovernmental organizations and express their opinions, which contributes to the overall development of Turkish – African relations. Moreover it was stated that raising the awareness of Turkish – African public opinion on this matter is of great importance too.

It was declared that during the process after the year of 1998 in which Turkey suggested it’s African Expansion Plan, very significant changes and developments have taken place and the Turkish African Cooperation Summit, which was organized after the announcement of Turkey to be the “strategic partner“ in the African Union Summit in 2008 January, summarizes the current situation between the two parts and these better relations between Turkey and Africa will have a positive influence for both of them in the future.

It was stated that the importance of regional economic organizations that operates in Africa cannot be ignored and Turkey is planning to develop its relations with the African regional economic organizations in the framework of it’s strategic partnership with Africa.

On the last day of the congress, the guests were shown around the historical and cultural spots of Istanbul, and our country was introduced to them in the best possible way.

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