Turkey and Mexico share common interests in geopolitics and security at regional and global levels. With regards to “need for security of energy supply and demand“; maintaining peace and security serve both countries’ interests. Both countries, in order to sustain critically important long term interest; can develop an effective strategic cooperation. At this point a wider perspective should be adopted with regards to Turkey - Mexico relations. In order for Turkey - Mexico relations to be carried to an ideal point in today’s multi-dimensional world order; every parameter should be taken into consideration.
The aims of the Turkey - Mexico Round Table Meetings are to prepare a civil, institutional and intellectual strategic base to improve and strengthened the Turkey - Mexico Relations.
Main Theme and Sub-Themes are as follows:
Main Theme
Turkey and Mexico: Rising Powers in Changing Global Order, Opportunities and Risks
Global Challenges, Multi-Dimensional New World and Foreign Policy Perspectives
Economical Relations: Opportunities and Obstacles
Resources System: Mutual Supplementary Opportunities
Multi-Dimensional Security Cooperation
Multilateral Cooperation Perspectives
Civil Society, Academic and Cultural Cooperation Perspectives