Red Apple is to Search what is Found or what is not Possible to be Found

Opening Speech

Our Dear Ministers, Our Dear Senators, Our Dear Representatives, Our Dear Deputies, Ambassadors, Our Dear Mayors, Our Dear Governors, Very Precious Delegation who participate into Turkic World and Diaspora from approximately sixty different countries. ...

Our Dear Ministers, Our Dear Senators, Our Dear Representatives, Our Dear Deputies, Ambassadors, Our Dear Mayors, Our Dear Governors, Very Precious Delegation who participate into Turkic World and Diaspora from approximately sixty different countries.

I would like to begin my speech by stating my gratitude because of being together again for Turkic World Red Apple Award Ceremony after the opening of World Turkic Forum in the morning. I offer our gratitude and thanksgiving to Trakya University for its contributions and especially for the excellent concert which they had organized in such a decent place.

Turkic World Red Apple Awards have been decided in the Final Declaration of the second World Turkic Forum which was held in the previous year. And we are beginning to experience the first one this year.

TASAM has an institutionalizing line with its manifests in its history over 10 years; toward “not to take any initiative once, to make it sustainable and to keep it going“… Hence we aim here Turkic World Red Apple Awards to turn a brand in Turkic World by institutionalizing and to serve socio-economic integration of Turkic World. I would like to specify that we will keep our determination with your grand supports.

If we should define the mean of “Red Apple“ term, I recognize it as “to search what is found or what is not possible to be found“. I define Red Apple as a construction of strength and justice, I define Red Apple as a construction of strength and mercy, and I consider Red Apple as a construction of strength and compassion. So, I consider it as searching what is not possible to be found, searching the best in our family and our society, in government, in art, in politics, in diplomacy, in economy, in sport and in every field of life that we (will) spring to mind. I suppose that serving Red Apple target is an important goal according to assign a meaning to both this world and the other side.

We grant these prizes in order to get honored our institutions and our people who serve to Turkic World, to our countries, to the world and to humanity, and who generate successful works within such an understanding. Our institutions and our people get us and Turkic World honored by accepting to take the prize presented. We are grateful. And I would like to express that we expect them bigger service and labor.

And I hope that we will sign to bigger and wider ceremonies and labors in this field for the next years. I present my respects and thanksgivings for your participation and I point out that “continue of searching what is not possible to be found“.

(Turkic World Red Apple Awards Presentation Ceremony | the Opening Speech of the Chairman Şensoy | May 29, 2014, Edirne)

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