Transatlantic Partnership and Turkey | The 4th Turkey - Europe Forum will be in Istanbul


The 4th Turkey - Europe Forum will be held on 21 - 22 November 2013 under the title ‘New Era of Turkey - EU Perspective, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Opportunities and Risks’. ...

Transatlantic Partnership and Turkey
The 4th Turkey - Europe Forum will be in Istanbul
The 4th Turkey - Europe Forum will be held on 21 - 22 November 2013 under the title ‘New Era of Turkey - EU Perspective, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Opportunities and Risks’.
The first of the Turkey-Europe Forums was held in Sopot/Poland, followed by the second in Mardin/Turkey and the third in Berlin/Germany. This year’s 4th Turkey-Europe Forum will be held in Istanbul on 21-22 November 2013 by TASAM, the Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies.
In order to discuss and debate the multilateral process that has been underway since the onset of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership negotiations between the United States and the European Union, the main topic of the forum has been decided to be ‘New Era of Turkey - EU Perspective, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Opportunities and Risks’. The sub-themes of the forum are ‘The Future of the EU: Steps of Economic and Political Union’, ‘Present Situation and Economy Policies in EU-Turkey Relations', ‘Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): Objectives and Challenges’, ’TTIP and Its Effects on EU Policies’, ’TTIP and Turkey’s Expectations and Previsions’ and ’TTIP and Its Effects on International Economic Security and Multidimensional Relations’.
4th Turkey - Europe Forum will be organized at Titanic Business Hotel Europe, Bayrampaşa, Istanbul.
Mr. Şensoy emphasized that Turkey brings added values through the geographical depth that it brings, the ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity that it offers and if Turkey’s and Europe’s current macroeconomic data and future visions are considered, Turkey’s full membership to the EU would not add burden but value. The Chairman of TASAM further said: “Turkey which is a member of almost all economic, political and military constitutions in Europe, with the exception of it’s a full EU membership and Customs Union, is an important component of European economy and politics when its membership in a half-century European Community/Union trip, global economical, political and diplomatic institutions are considered.“
Chairman Şensoy remarked that the United States and European Union are paving the way for a significant partnership with the announcement and subsequent negotiations of the TTIP. He also added that the USA and the EU make up one-tenth of the World population, have almost half of the gross national product of the World and one-third of the global trade; this transatlantic trade and economic relations are thus the core of the World economy. Signing the potential investment and trade agreement between the EU and USA will therefore be for Turkey a development with significant commercial and legal implications. He also mentioned that “by getting successfully results from the negotiations, the biggest and the most extensive economic location of the World will be formed and standards of international trade will be redefined. The partnership plan which creates important expectations for both sides also represents, to a large extent, the actualizing of an ’Economic NATO’ that has been aspired since the dissolution of the USSR . To be reset of tariffs with the TTIP which gains a quality of a free trade agreement beyond familiar free trade agreements, to be removed of obstacles which are out of obstacles and to make easier of reaching markets by providing a unity in legislations are aimed. With this agreement, beyond the commercial freedom, to provide of reaching markets in the areas such as service sector, to provide coordination in investments, and to be created of rules and principles which make easier and accelerate global economic relations are aimed. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership which will be actualized in the era of being locked of WTO Doha round will have a power and an effect that are standard determiner in global economic global relations while free trade agreements which were signed especially with Pacific countries by EU and the USA are taken into account.“
Chairman Şensoy added that “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership which will occurred at the period of WTO’s Doha round between EU and USA, when considering the Trans Pacific Free Trade Agreements of EU and USA especially with Pacific countries, would have a power and effect for setting standard on global economic relations. “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership“ between the USA and EU has highly important factors for Turkey. When EU preferred trade regime responsibilities which are undertaken in the concept of Customs Union are taken into account, free trade agreements which are being actualized with third countries and economic locations of EU have really significant importance for international economic relations of Turkey. The attempt of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTYO) will be more important and efficient from all another free trade agreements for Turkish economy according to its content and its concept.
On the other hand, Turkey also has potential to undertake very important roles in this process. In the latest two decades, Turkey and EU take advantage of returns of Customs Union. Besides reviving economies of both sides, Customs Union was envisaged as a tangible step en route of EU membership of Turkey. In spite of that, Turkey as a member of Custom Union and nonmember of EU has some difficulties. For example, each new free trade agreement signed by EU creates a commercial variation possibility for Turkey. So, goods and services which are taken from third countries of EU countries enter into Turkey without being taxed and Turkey can’t have benefit from the same fertile situation until signing a similar agreement with aforesaid third party.
Turkey can’t find an opportunity to avoid of this negative situation until being a part of EU. Hence, Turkey has to mobilize all diplomatic resources for avoiding of negations of free trade agreements which Turkey has done with countries such as South Korea, Mexico, Canada and Japan. This situation changes the balance and causes uneconomic subjects to come in negotiations by causing variations in the area of international relations. Turkey should adopt a politic which gets it out from being affected, even provides positive effects during this process. Actually, by taking into account of positive explanations made by American authorities, Turkey should be a side of the agreement between EU and the USA and make an effort not to be out of this situation.
Turkey who is on the way full membership and Customs Union with EU, should have benefit from this economic gains and this rising welfare, even it should support into the regime which develops by the economic dynamism. It should be emphasized that if Turkey will be included to the process then the searching of “Economic NATO“ would be possible. By being an important member of the most successful military alliance throughout the history, Turkey will strengthen economic capacity by joining the biggest economic bloc of the world. It consists of bases of a new economic regime with the negotiations of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and Transpacific Partnership. It is aimed that Turkey should be a part of all institutions of this Transatlantic Partnership and should protect its economic and political gains and should defend its benefits in the forthcoming period as an arbiter
There will be six sessions at the Forum and the speakers of the Forum are; Alain SERVANTİE who is retired Head of Unit in European Commission, Ellen WASYLINA who is Chairman at Conseil de Experts in France, Dr. Erdal YALÇIN who is Deputy Director of İfo Institute in Germany, Emmanuel DUPUY who is President of IPSE in France, Ekim ALPTEKİN who is President of The Turkish American Business Association, Prof.Dr. Haluk KABAALİOĞLU who is Chairman of İKV in Turkey, Prof.Dr. Sema KALAYCIOĞLU who is a Member of TASAM Wise Person’s Board in Turkey, Prof. Vefa TARHAN from Loyola University Chicago in USA, Canan NİLÜFER DORA who is Head of Unit in Ministry of Economic EU General Directorate in Turkey, Didem GÜNEŞ from Central Bank of Republic of Turkey - Directorate of EU Relations Office, Prof. Dr. Esra HATİPOĞLU from Marmara University in Turkey, Prof. Dr. Ercüment TEZCAN, from Galatasaray University in Turkey, Assoc. Prof. Barış ÖZDAL from Uludağ University in Turkey, Prof. Dr. Anis H. BAJREKTAREVİC from University of Applied Sciences IMC-Krems in Austria, Mustafa KUTLAY from USAK in UK, Adam BALCER from demosEUROPA in Poland, Dr Peter HOLMES from University of Sussex in UK, Natalia MACYRA from European Centre for International Political Economy in Belgium, Dr. Altay ATLI from Boğaziçi University in Turkey, Jarolím ANTAL from University of Economics in Czech Republic, Tyson BARKER from Bertelsmann Foundation in USA, William CHISLETT from The Elcano Royal Institute in Spain, Dr. Can BAYDAROL from İKV in Turkey, Assoc.Prof. M.Murat ERDOĞAN from Hacettepe University in Turkey, Assist. Prof. M. Sait AKMAN from Marmara University in Turkey and Marietje SCHAAKE who is Member of the European Parliament in Belgium via video-conference.
The negotiators of the Forum are; Ambassador Miko HALJAS (Ambassador of Estonia), Ambassador Ahmed ABDULHAMID (Ambassador of Nigeria), Ambassador Václav HUBINGER (Ambassador of Czech Republic), Ambassador Kestutis KUDZMANAS (Ambassador of Republic Lithuania), Ambassador Nahari AGUSTINI (Ambassador of Indonesia), Pablo Benavides ORGAZ (Consul-General of Spain to Istanbul), Cristine WENDI (Consul-General of Austria to Istanbul), Dr. Gianluca ALBERINI (Consul-General of Italy to Istanbul), Ernesto PFİRTER (Colsul-General of Argentina to Istanbul), Dr. Yousaf JUNAID ( Colsul-General of Pakistan to Istanbul), Jose Wilson MOREIRA ( Brazilian Deputy Consul General to Istanbul), Lina J. OMAR ( Deputy Colsul-General of Republic of Iraq to Istanbul), Shilan ABDULKADİR (Consulate General of Republic of Iraq to Istanbul), Lindsay KIPTINESS (Consulate General of Republic of Kenya to Istanbul), Stefan ARNAUDOV (Consulate General of Bulgaria to Istanbul), Dr. Giulia PRATI (Italian Consulate General to Istanbul), Pascal ROOS (Deputy Consul General of France to Istanbul), Dr. Sergiy KORSUNSKY (Ukraine Embassy), Mohammad ICHSAN (Indonesian Embassy), Konsatantin BEKOS (Austrian Embassy to Ankara - Consul of Trade), Prof. Selvi BEÇAJ (Albanian Consulate General to Istanbul), Şakir Ercan GÜL (President of TMSF), Ayla KÜÇÜKOĞLU KELEŞ (TMSF), Yavuz CANEVİ (TEB Chairman of the Board), Kısmet GÜZELOV (Turkic Council Deputy Secretary General), Pelin MUSABAY (Turkic Council Administrator of the Project), Abzal SAPARBEKULY (Turkic Council Administrator of the Project), Vedat BÜYÜKERSOY (Governor of Muş), Kazım TEKİN (Deputy Governor of Istanbul), Cemal Hüsnü KANSIZ (Sub-governor of Çekmeköy), Hasan GÖZEN (Sub-governor of Bayrampaşa), Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin KARAHAN (Rector of Beykent University), Prof. Dr. Remzi ÇETİN (Rector of Haliç University), Asist. Prof.Dr. Ahmet ÖZALP (Hitit University Chair of Pol.Sci.Pub.Adm. Department), İnan ALTINBAŞ (Altınbaş Mücevherat Chairman of the Board), Prof. İsrafil ÇALIŞKAN (Owner of Çalışkan Holding), Sevil KARACA (Ministry of Customs and Trade / Head of Department), Ahmet Şevket DAYIOĞLU (Ministry of Customs and Trade, EU Expert), Mehmet ORAL (Ministry of Customs and Trade), Salih Ahmet ÜSTTEN (Ministry of Economics), Duygu YAYGIR (Ministry of Economics), İpek YALÇINDAĞ (Ministry of Economics), Nurettin Cemil GÖKPINAR (Ministry of Energy and Natural Sources), Zerrin ÖZBEK (Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology / EU and Foreign Affairs Department Man.), Nedret APAYDIN (Provincial Deputy Director of Culture and Tourism in Istanbul), Ertuğrul NACAK (ASELSAN), Gökçen ŞAHİN (Haliç Financial Leasing Director-General), Zeynep GÜNDER (Social Security Institution), Nuriye DİRİK (Turkish Labor Agency), Hande MENDİL (Turkish Labor Agency), A.Bahadır ŞAŞMAZ (Pendik Municipality), Kemal KAYA (Pendik Municipality), Dr. Hakan ÖZDEMİR (Bayburt Police Headquarter), Yrd.Doç.Dr. Gerçek Şahin Yücel (Marmara University), Hüseyin DAĞCI (Turkish War Academy – Institute of Strategic Researches), M.Kürşad ORDU (Turkish War Academy – Institute of Strategic Researches), Figen GÖKŞEN (Turkish War Academy – Institute of Strategic Researches), Dr. Şükrü YURTSEVER (Gebze Institute of Technology), Şahin YILDIRIM (Erciyes University), Nahide GELGEÇ (Balıkesir University).
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