Is A Development Based on Manpower Possible Without Vocational and Technical Education?


The most important issue of islamic countries “Vocational and Technical Education” is going to be discussed at an international congress in Istanbul which more than 30 countries will be attending to. Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies TASAM is helding the CONGRESS OF VOCATIONAL and TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN ISLAMIC COUNTRIES that contains the “Member Countries of the Organization of Islamic Conference”....

The most important issue of islamic countries “Vocational and Technical Education“ is going to be discussed at an international congress in Istanbul which more than 30 countries will be attending to.
Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies TASAM is helding the CONGRESS OF VOCATIONAL and TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN ISLAMIC COUNTRIES that contains the “Member Countries of the Organization of Islamic Conference“. This congress to be held in Istanbul with the participation of OIC member countries is going to last for 3 days.

The congress will be held with the high-level participation of the Minister of Education of Kirghizia Abdylda Musaev, the Minister of Vocational and Technical Education of Yemen Ebrahim Omar Hagari, the Minister of Education of Somali Ahmad Abdullahî SH. Muhamad and the Deputy Minister, the Deputy Minister of Education of Senegal Adama Diop, the Minister of Education of Turkey Nimet Çubukçu*, Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) Prof. Dr. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, the Chairman of TİKA (Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency) Musa Kulaklıkaya, the Deputy Minister of Labour of Yemen Ebtihaq Abdulkader Alkamal and the Director of SESRIC (Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries) Assoc. Prof. Savaş Alpay.

More than 40 diplomats, academicians, vocational and technical education experts from nearly 30 Islamic countries will attend the Congress of Vocational and Technical Education in Islamic Countries that is to be held between the dates of 18-20 June 2009 at the Cevahir Congress Center.

The Chairman of TASAM Süleyman ŞENSOY

The Chairman of TASAM Süleyman ŞENSOY states that “Countries and communities that are fulfilling the necessities of our era and corresponding to the rapid developments will be able to rule in coming centuries. Being aware of this reality, Turkey prepares its citizens for the future while making great effort to contribute to the development processes of development of brother and friend countries.

In the Islamic world of today, vocational and technical education is gaining much importance with each passing day. It is because the problem of unemployment is becoming more and more evident in spite of all efforts and nearly half of the job seekers do not have professional competence.“

Mentioning about the facts that the industry can not find the required qualified manpower and the demands for vocational and technical education in Turkey and other Islamic countries is decreasing, The Chairman ŞENSOY declares that societies in Islamic countries attach so much importance to having a bachelor’s degree but people who have a bachelor’s degree without a vocational formation are also candidates to be a member of the army of unemployed people and so at this point, the promotion of vocational and technical education becomes more of an issue.

With its own modern educational structure and its progress at the EU process, Turkey has a deep accumulation which it can share with Islamic countries. Adding a new activity to the ones held as part of the Organization of Islamic Conference will provide Turkey a more evident efficiency and prestige.

This international scientific meeting, which is going to be held under the title of “Congress of Vocational and Technical Education in Islamic Countries“ by TASAM, has a subject that has not been focused on before. During this international meeting, an assessment of vocational and technical problems at the education systems of member countries of the Organization of Islamic Conference will be made, their current situations will be expressed by experts and more importantly, a common vision will be attempted to be determined on areas such as exchange of qualified personnel, cooperation and aid for the future.

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