Management and Experıence Program of Turkey

21st century; brings a process in which political, social and economic developments are experienced in its wake.

While fascinating developments which are experienced in this process, are raising current problems, efficient and permanent solutions relating to these problems require conscience, tenderness, participation and information sharing of people from all around the society.

Management and Experıence Program of Turkey Click for Site

Kyrgyzstan and Turkey have been linked by a cultural bond since ancient times. Dynamic relations between Turkey and Kyrgyzstan are not only between countries, but also between peoples. This is a proof of the willingness to cooperate in the economic, social, international and especially military fiel...;

Germany has been the engine of European integration since its own unification. But German economic miracle that sponsored both processes was based on the geopolitical order that no longer exists. ;

In the multipolar security system of the Middle East, the global forces are increasingly acting on their own, and regional actors are emerging as game changers/spoilers.;

3rd Turkey - Us Forum

Turkey - US Forum has been formed with this purpose. The Forum that will be held annually; aims to develope and strengthen the relations between Turkey and the US. The forum also aims to serve as a platform that will put forward the opportunities and ideas that will elevate interests of both countries regarding the region and also broader areas.

  • 14 Aug 2017 - 17 Aug 2017
  • Washington - ABD